Stuffed Pumpkin Blossoms

Ingredients: 8 Pumpkin Blossoms 1 small package of organic goat cheese 3 tlbs grated romano or guyere cheese 1/8 tsp celtic gray salt 1/8 tsp fresh cracked pepper 10 fresh Aka Shiso leaves chopped (you can substitute another fresh herb of your choice) Ingredients for Batter: 1/2 cup cornstarch 3/4 cup self rising flour Add…

Aka Shiso Sorrell Egg Salad

Ingredients: One dozen hard boiled eggs 3/4 cup. chopped organic Aka Shiso 3 large leaves chopped organic Sorrell 1 tlbs chopped organic fresh Tarragon 1 shallot 2 tsp Celtic sea salt 1 tsp Fresh ground pepper 3/4 cup organic mayonnaise Rough Chop eggs after hard boiling them. Chop all fresh herbs in ribbons add to…

Aka Shiso Jelly

10 cups packed Aka Shiso leaves, cover with 10 cups water, bring to a boil and immediately turn off heat or remove from heat, allow to cool to room temp then store in refrigerator overnight.  Next day, add 2 cups sugar and 1/4 cup lemon juice per 4 cups fluid and bring to a boil,…

Aka Shiso Salad

Ingredients: 4 large leaves Aka Shiso 4 small tender cucumbers 5 inch long each 3 tlbs Rice Vinegar 2 Tlbs Sesame oil Salt and Pepper Toasted Sesame Seeds Peel cucumbers and slice into bite sized pieces remove any large seeds if needed. Add Rice Vinegar and Sesame oil Roll Aka Shiso leaves together and slice…

Specialty Produce Harvest

Yes sadly we are coming to the end of our Specialty produce harvest this year. I worked in the garden today and cleared out all the remains of the Japanese Pickling Melon vines. The tomatoes are done for the year also. Surprisingly though! There are many blooms on the Shishito peppers and the cool temps…